Intro to class College credits Adobe Certified Associate. link to study materials -100 point bonus for obtaining Certification before end of semester. Beverages and food on designated tables only. No distracting head phoned music while someone is not speaking only. Phones for school work only. C2B4ME (if 3 people don't know, I didn't do my job and I will reteach the class) Permission form signed by parents Participation grade -10 free points + up to 15 for bonus work + 15 for make-up time in access or study hall - up to 15 per 45min class 30 for block class of wasted or missed time -absence -doing other home work -doing late work -Surfing web etc... -texting mom Professionally display your art Change out as needed Due as soon as you have work that is presentable Framed or displayed in an show manner School or any public location -100 points |
Grading criteria for all creative projects.
Creativity 20% Copyright infringement is not tolerated up to- 100% off Destructive editing -5% per instance Improper resolution for the project -15 Craftsmanship - %50+ Student spent proper time on project and used correct techniques -0% Student did minimal amount of time necessary and mostly used correct techniques -5% Student rushed the work to completion improper techniques -up to 20% Sloppy incomplete work -%50+ |