Level 2 and up Graphic Design
Independent study
Student will learn new process using Photoshop for each project and explain upon turn in.
Do not use the images on the tutorial use your own or Copyright free images!
www.freeimages.com is one option
Half of your grade will consist of daily participation grades and the other half will be projects.
Bonus points for attempting the Adobe Associate test sometime during semester.
Student will learn new process using Photoshop for each project and explain upon turn in.
Do not use the images on the tutorial use your own or Copyright free images!
www.freeimages.com is one option
Half of your grade will consist of daily participation grades and the other half will be projects.
Bonus points for attempting the Adobe Associate test sometime during semester.
Clothing line (Create a new clothing line) print 3 garments -Go and extra step and create an online store Professionally display your art (one day) File extensions Laser print and cut Jazz Fest 3d project with 3d print Animation project ex: cinemagraph, south park style episode... Online contest (fined a design contest and enter) Vector trace in Adobe Illustrator (trace one of your own images) Vector example tutorials 1 Shepard Fairly 2 Illustration style Design a line of skateboards (Think outside box doesn't have to be skateboard) Print design on a Skateboard One free hand drawing project on tablets Suggested websites for projects ideas www.photoshoplady.com www.photoshoptutorials.ws/ Project Suggestions/ Ideas Shelter Animals Steam punk Literalism Visual Music Light Contest Go Big Portfolio Other Projects |