AP 2D Design
AP 2D Design is for Junior and Senior students who wish to create a college level portfolio.
Portfolio Components:
Section 1: Sustained Investigation
15 digital images 60% of Score
You’ll create a body of work that demonstrates:
15 digital images 60% of Score
You’ll create a body of work that demonstrates:
- sustained investigation through practice, experimentation, and revision
- sustained investigation of materials, processes, and ideas
- synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas
- drawing skills
- the questions that guided your sustained investigation
- how your sustained investigation shows evidence of practice, experimentation, and revision guided by your questions
Section 2: Selected Works
5 artworks 40% of Score
You’ll work with your teacher or AP coordinator to mail in your physical works to the AP Program, and you’ll also upload images of your work to the AP Art and Design digital submission web application.
You’ll choose works that demonstrate:
5 artworks 40% of Score
You’ll work with your teacher or AP coordinator to mail in your physical works to the AP Program, and you’ll also upload images of your work to the AP Art and Design digital submission web application.
You’ll choose works that demonstrate:
- drawing skills
- synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas
- your ideas
- the materials you used
- the processes you used